Katnina Kaif rumored with all top of the leading actors. Recently, Katrina's bikini picture with Ranbir Kapoor leaked in websites. Katrina says about this, actor Ranbir kapoor just a friend of her. But, mostly of the Bollywood news magazines says this is a Katrina's new romance.
Katrina has walked the ramp for various designers . Besides walking the ramp has also been the stunning face of Estelle jewelery, Lakme , Pantene , Veet , Kodak, L' Oreal , Samsung, LG etc.
Katreena cameras is not as fluent in hindi hindi movies his voice is dubbed by a native speaker of the language of the film , but in the movie " Namastay London " has doubled their lines on their own.
Her recent films " Partner " with Salman Khan and Govinda and " Apne " with Sunny Deol Bobby Deol and were successful at the box office . Has also done two Telugu " Malliswari " and " Allari Pidugu " films and one Malayalam film " Balram vs. Taradas ". Katrina has recently learned kathak dance .